Friday, March 9, 2012

Two UCity Council Candidates Speak at Upcoming Gannondale House Meetings

The two candidates for City Council of University City Ward 2 will visit Gannondale homes during the next week. Light refreshments will be provided at each event. Current Ward 2 City Council representative Lynn Ricci is not seeking re-election.

John Clark and Lisa Hummel (7575 Stanford) will host a conversation with Paulette Carr in their home on Sunday, March 11 from 2:00 - 3:30 pm. Your RSVP is appreciated but not required: (314) 862-2805.

Linda Fried (7623 Stanford) welcomes candidate Jan Adams into her home for a “Meet and Chat” on Tuesday, March 13 from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. (314) 369-0530

Find out more about each candidate here:

Jan Adams:

Paulette Carr:

The election for UCity Council is April 3, 2012.