Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Rescheduled Luminaria Night Big Success!

When the icy winds and snow blew into University City on Sunday evening, December 12th, it looked like 2010's Luminaria Night might be a goner. But not so fast...with the help of many neighbors (and their telephones!), our Gannondale holiday celebration was rescheduled for December 19th.

And what a difference a week made: a bright full moon looked down upon Gannondale as Daniel Shaver's talented University City High School student musicians served up some "brassy" arrangements of yuletide favorites. More that one thousand luminaria candles glowed along our sidewalks and in Triangle Park.

Over $600.00 was earned from the proceeds of the luminaria sales. Once again, your support of Luminaria Night allows the Gannondale Neighborhood Association to continue to publish the Pillar Post, pay the electrical bills for the pillar lights at Hanley and Cornell and do other good works. Thank you all!

On behalf of the Gannondale Neighborhood Association, Bryan Young would like to extend a big holiday "thank you" to Linda Fried (who coordinated the music), Kim Mulkey Young (who designed the flyer), Amber Geiger (who helped collect luminaria orders) and Nigel Taylor, Margaret Johnson, Julia Macias (and her son, Max) and Mike Kimzey (who all helped to distribute the luminaria kits). The Gannondale Neighborhood Association would also like to thank Greg and Sharyn Koob for the use of their garage for assembling and distributing the luminaria.

Have a very merry holiday season and a blessed new year!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Gannondale Luminaria Night!

Gannondale Luminaria Night is Sunday, December 19th! Place your luminaria out in front of your homes at 6:00 pm. tomorrow night...see you there!

If you'd like to purchase more luminaria kits (and help support our neighborhood), call Bryan Young at (314) 727-3579

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Extra! Luminaria Night Rescheduled to Sunday, December 19th!

Due to today's howling winds and cold temperatures, Gannondale Luminaria Night has been postponed until next Sunday, December 19th. The celebration will begin at 6:00 pm.

Be safe out there!

Questions? Call Bryan S. Young at (314) 727-3579

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Luminaria Night is December 12th!

In honor of the Holiday Season, including the celebrations of Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and the Winter Solstice, the Gannondale Neighborhood Association is sponsoring our 6th Annual Luminaria Display on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12th, BEGINNING AT 6 PM.

The luminaria look spectacular along our streets and sidewalks. When many houses have their candles lit, the neighborhood softly glows with a festive light!

Hopefully, we'll have a dry evening to celebrate our Gannondale neighborhood.

PLEASE RESERVE YOUR SETS OF LUMINARIA BAGS by calling Bryan Young (314-727-3579) or Amber Geiger (618-599-5585) BY NO LATER THAN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4th so we’ll know how many supplies to purchase.

Right click on this link to download the 2010 flyer with all the information: 2010 Luminaria Flyer