Sunday, June 19, 2011

June Golden Flamingo Winner: Bruno Sonnino (7624 Cornell)

Bruno Sonnino (7624 Cornell) bought his Gannondale house in 2005 and grows his own kitchen garden of tasty herbs and vegetables in his back yard, including a successful asparagus patch which produces multiple tender stalks during the spring.

Check out his restaurant blog Bruno’s Dream.

Bruno takes time to make sure that his corner lot and home are attractive and appealing.

Do you have a neighbor who is "Flamingo worthy"? Let your Block Captain know or contact Bryan S. Young at

1 comment:

  1. I Bryan,
    Just checking out your web page. Do you have another site with your galleries? I am the drummer that you meet at the Vestals Memorial Day party. Hope all is well with you!

    Regards, Dave Coates
