Thursday, March 10, 2011

South Pillar Light is Turned On!

A big "thank you" to Jeff Hales (our 7600 Gannon Block Captain) for "trouble shooting" and fixing the south pillar light at Cornell Ave. and Hanley Road.

Jeff replaced an inexpensive photo sensor and the light came back on at sundown yesterday.

According to Jeff, the north pillar light will require a little more effort and time to repair. One light on and one to go! Once again...thank you, Jeff!


  1. Great job! We're excited to see the light on! Thank you Jeff!

  2. Yay!!! I noticed it tonight as I was turning in. Made me happy to see it shining bright as ever. Thanks Jeff!

  3. I love when simple solutions actually work. Fingers are crossed for the 2nd light since it may require more work. Hats off to Jeff and especially Bryan and Kim for hanging in there with phone calls and estimates and time well spent. Does this mean we won't be fund rasing with our summer luminaria? Hope not.

  4. Glad to see at least half of the problem resolved!

  5. A really big THANK YOU to Jeff (and Pres. Bryan)!

    Pillar Fans, Nancy & Bob Baglan
