Wednesday, May 28, 2008
7:00 pm
Sue Kaiser’s house (7515 Gannon)
Minutes taken by Kim Mulkey Young (7536 Cornell)
Meeting was called to order at: 7:00 pm by Gannondale Neighborhood Association (GNA) President, Bryan S. Young (7536 Cornell)
In attendance:
- Bryan S. Young - President (7536 Cornell)
- Nigel Taylor - Vice President (7552 Stanford)
- Sue Kaiser – Treasurer (7515 Gannon)
- Kim Mulkey Young - Pillar Post Editor/Designer (7536 Cornell)
- Margaret Johnson - 7500 Gannon Block Captain (7509 Gannon)
- Bob Friend - 7600 Gannon Block Captain (7630 Gannon)
- Lori Adair - 7500 Cornell Block Captain (7558 Cornell)
- John Tawzer - 7600 Cornell Block Captain (7619 Cornell)
- Meri Ellen Brooks - 7500 Stanford Block Captain (7552 Stanford)
- Therese Siegel - 7600 Stanford Block Captain (7631 Stanford)
- Beth Herbster (7579 Cornell)
- Susan Furdek (7600 Gannon)
- Dave and Angie Hagee (7525 Stanford)
Treasurer’s Report by Sue Kaiser- Sue estimated that $865.00 is currently in the GNA accounts.
The GNA Board met on January 17th to discuss ideas for Gannondale activities and events. The minutes of that meeting were shared in the Winter 2008 Pillar Post.
Review recent Gannondale neighborhood events:
- Easter Egg Hunt: The annual Gannondale Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt was held on Sunday, March 23rd at 2:00PM in front of 7540 Stanford (the home of David Tyndall and Christy Wells).
- Organic Garden Demonstration (May 4, 2008): Frank LeBeau and Wayne Bass (7553 Cornell).
- Golden Flamingo (May): Frank Chross and Ben Rankin (7628 Stanford) are the May Golden Flamingo Award winners. Awarded on May 9, 2008. Sue Kaiser said she wanted to nominate a house for the June GF
- Gannondale Yard and Garage Sale: (Rescheduled). It was decided to change the date announced in the Spring 2008 Pillar Post (June 21, 2008) and combine the Gannondale Yard and Garage Sale with the Annual Block Party on Sept. 20, 2008.
- Patriotic Pets and Progeny Independence Day Parade: (Friday, July 4, 2008). A flyer will go out announcing the event. The contact for the event is Sue Kaiser.
- Gannondale Annual Block Party (Saturday, September 20, 2008) – will also include Yard and Garage Sale. Chris Scheele (7529 Stanford) will need to be contacted to arrange for the “Bouncy Room” for the children.
- Halloween Parade: (Sunday, October 26, 2008) Need to contact Chris Scheele (7529 Stanford) to arrange for a UCITY fire engine visit.
- Luminaria Night: (Sunday, December 14, 2008)
Discussion and ideas:
Margaret Johnson will contact Bernice Kipling (7512 Gannon) neighbor about being profiled in a Pillar Post “Meet Your Neighbor” article. Bernice is a long time Gannondale resident (currently in her 90s) and might have some stories to tell on the history of Gannondale.
Bryan will create a prototype blog (weblog) to show to the GNA within the next month. The blog may replace the current website, which has many features not useful to Gannondale neighbors. According to those present, the most useful features of the GN website are the testimonials and photo albums. Bryan will try and replicate these features into a less expensive blog.
Therese Siegel shared her nephew is performing in Shakespeare in the Park
Mystery Photo Drawing: $10.00 gift certificate to Dewey’s Pizza was won by: Lori Adair.
Meeting was adjourned at: 8:00pm
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